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Alcohol effects during adolescence
The festive season has come and gone. The fun will forever be cherished by those who had a fabulous time. Some will forever cherish the fun they had while others will reflect at the bad things they did. It is definitely an indisputable fact that some young blades are now addicted to the things they….
Signs Your Loved One May Need Heroin Addiction Treatment

Heroin addiction treatment is available through both inpatient and outpatient programs to help people overcome their need to use heroin. What Exactly is Heroin? According to www.drugfree.org, heroin is a highly addictive drug derived from morphine, which is obtained from the opium poppy. It is a depressant that affects the brain’s pleasure systems and interferes….
What Happens in Cocaine Detox?

Cocaine addicts well know how uncomfortable drug withdrawal can be. When detoxing, withdrawal effects come on in full force, an experience that no regular cocaine user wants to face. The truth of the matter is cocaine detox offers the only means for breaking the drug’s hold over the body. There’s no getting around this essential….
Alcohol portrayals in films and advertisements make people drink more
New research has shown for the first time that portrayals of alcohol in films and TV advertisements have an immediate effect on the amount of alcohol that people drink. The research, published online in the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism, found that people who watched films and commercials in which alcohol drinking featured prominently immediately reached….
Easier transplant rules for alcoholics
Alcoholics who do not show they can stay sober outside hospital are expected to be offered liver transplants for the first time next month. A group of experts in liver disease will propose the change despite a shortage of organs. Under current guidelines, candidates for new livers have to show they can abstain from drink,….