Discovery House UC Inc
714 South State Street
Orem, UT 84058
(801) 426-6565
Intake: (801) 293-9999
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714 South State Street
Orem, UT 84058
(801) 426-6565
Intake: (801) 293-9999
A single brief intervention that gives problem drinkers personalized feedback can help reduce their alcohol use, new research from the Netherlands shows. Dr. Heleen Riper of the Trimbos Institute in Utrecht and her colleagues looked at 14 studies of such interventions, including a total of 3,682 people. For every eight people who participated, they found,….
Just the one: Allowing children a glass of wine with dinner could turn them into binge drinkers in later life Parents who give their child the occasional glass of wine with their meal could be turning them into binge drinkers, scientists have warned. Growing numbers of middle class parents are following the example of French….
THE death of Perry Fowler should remind us once again that the true cost of drugs does not always end at causing misery and fuelling crime but often ends in the tragic loss of life. It also demonstrates that addiction knows no bounds and that drug misuse is not confined, as many would choose to….
A recovered alcoholic from Maldon said he has his Quaker faith to thank for helping him stay alive. Anthony told BBC Essex’s Ian Wyatt he started to drink when he was 20, shortly after joining the Air Force. Having had a religious upbringing as a Pentecostalist, he had never previously drank or smoked. After 25….
Relapse prevention therapy is a type of therapy that aims at helping the recovering addict to cope with stressors that could potentially cause them to relapse. While relapse is a common occurrence for many addicts, relapse prevention therapy )RPT) can greatly reduce the chances of a relapse occurring because the recovering addict is already armed….
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