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Binge drinking the new norm?
Rider University freshman and fraternity pledge Gary DeVercelly died in March 2007, after drinking most of a bottle of vodka at a frat party. Last October, Minnesota State University pre-nursing student Amanda Jax, celebrating her 21st birthday at a bar with friends, downed a potent mix of cocktails and shots before being helped to a….
What Can Private Drug Treatment Do For Me?
If you are thinking about seeking help for your addiction to drugs or alcohol, you are probably questioning just about every aspect of the situation. If you’re considering private drug or alcohol treatment consider the following benefits of seeking treatment in a private treatment center versus a public facility that provides care. Private treatment centers….
Alcohol Abuse Symptoms and Signs
Alcohol abuse is not to be confused with alcoholism. Those who abuse alcohol are not necessarily addicted to alcohol; however, prolonged excessive use could eventually lead to alcoholism. Alcohol abusers do not possess a dependence on alcohol, but usually drink more than is considered healthy. Distinguishing alcohol abuse symptoms from alcoholism can be tricky. How….
Bracelet monitors offenders' alcohol intake
Like a protective Big Brother, Northwest Kansas Community Corrections has an arsenal of gadgets it uses to monitor the behavior of the inmates it oversees. One of the most promising up-and-coming devices being used is the Scram alcohol monitoring bracelet. Worn on the ankle, the bracelet uses samples of insensible perspiration through the skin to….
Alcoholism: Losing Old Friends to Stay Sober
Alcoholism, like many addictions, is a disease of reinforcement. When you take drugs or alcohol, you feel better and when you stop drinking, you miss the feeling. By this same mechanism, the people you associate with can start to reinforce your drinking behavior. Even though, for many, alcoholism ends up being a disease of solitude….