Counseling Inc
525 East 3rd Street
Ellsworth, KS 67439
(785) 472-4300
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525 East 3rd Street
Ellsworth, KS 67439
(785) 472-4300
Britian has the highest death toll from throat cancer in Europe, fuelled by binge drinking, smoking and obesity, according to new research. Death rates for the cancer have also increased among middle-aged women, the study of 34 European countries found. The highest female death rate for cancer of the oesophagus, which carries food from the….
The Texas Legislature is currently considering bills that would allow the establishment of programs to enable injecting drug users to exchange used syringes for sterile ones, as a proven means of reducing the spread of blood-borne diseases. The Senate version of the bill has already passed, by a vote of 23-6. An almost identical bill….
Drawn by the promise of free water bottles, more than 1,330 students flocked to the Malkin Athletic Center last Friday for National Alcohol Screening Day, marking a record level of participation that rose by almost 40 percent from last year. The annual event, which takes place at hospitals, community centers, and universities around the country,….
It’s never too late to seek help for an addiction to alcohol but there are some ways that we can learn to recognize the need for alcohol addiction treatment long before the severe consequences and physical illness begin to fully set in. If you or someone you love drinks alcohol regularly, there’s a chance that….
At the Barrow Distribution Centre business is brisk, and so it should be as the only place for 200 miles (320 km) where you can get alcohol. Locals trot eagerly up the icy front steps, before emerging to struggle back down laden with cases of beer, bottles of spirits and boxes of red wine. There….
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