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Treatment & Detox Guide
Advantages of Residential Alcohol Treatment Centers
Alcohol treatment centers provide a range of options and services that are aimed at helping alcoholics and their families to overcome the physical and psychological strongholds of addiction and regain control of their lives. Residential alcohol treatment centers provide inpatient treatment that, although not right for everyone is very beneficial at helping those who have….
The language of intoxication: The term 'drunk' doesn't really cut it any more
The language that drinkers typically use to describe alcohol’s effects on them are quite different from the language used by alcohol researchers, no doubt limiting researchers’ understanding of self-reported alcohol use. New findings show that researchers could do well to tap into a wide spectrum of terms used by drinkers to describe their levels of….
You may be drinking to your death
Excessive consumption of alcohol impairs normal reasoning and can lead to injury or even death. Ugandans love their drink. When you ask most, even ladies, how their perfect evening would be, the answer usually is, “At an outing having a drink.” A drink here doesn’t refer to one bottle of beer; what most of them….
We treat alcohol like fruit juice now ..this has to stop
The night out was jokingly billed as “the messiest” in town but the reality was nothing to laugh about. Hammered teenagers guzzled strong lager for £1 a pint at the rowdy student club night. Tottering drinkers quickly lost all powers of self-control and wrestled with each other to be served first. Worryingly, these sort of….
Campaign tackles binge drinking
A new campaign has been launched in New South Wales aimed at curbing binge drinking. The $1 million anti-binge drinking campaign “What Are You Doing To Yourself?” targets the 16-20 year old age group and aims to stop young people from engaging in risky behaviour which is fuelled by alcohol. The campaign includes advertisements to….