A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
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Do You Drink Too Much?

Go on, have another. You’ll be hailing the cab anyway as you’re a bit over the limit now. As for tomorrow, you survived work with a hangover last Tuesday, didn’t you? Besides, it’s your boss offering the next round! Make it a pint. Oh, and mental note: don’t forget to pick up some beer tomorrow….

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Scotland's drink problem

DEEP down, we all know Scotland has a drink problem. But what are you prepared to do about it? This must be the starting point for us all this week as we consider proposals to be brought forward by Kenny MacAskill, our crusading Justice Secretary. MacAskill has taken it upon himself to make Scots wake….

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Drink with mother

You expect your parents to teach you things. But alcoholism? Frances White recalls how her mum encouraged her to binge when she was just a child – and eventually passed on her own addiction I was nine when my mum poured me my first drink. “Here,” she said, handing me a glass of Cinzano and….

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Teen drug rehabilitation

Teens are very prone to addiction or drug abuse. It may start with trial of excitement or fun with friends, but they may never know when they get addicted to such a harmful thing. The habit of taking drugs, can largely affect the performance of the teen in the school and also at sports, hampering….

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Binge drinking a continuing problem among underage Oregonians

A year ago, a booze-fueled spring break trip was all the news when two Portland State University basketball players got into a drunken brawl in Mexico. That donnybrook drew lots of attention because athletes were involved. But it was otherwise unremarkable: Studies show that, while students don’t necessarily drink more on spring break, those who….

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