Community Psychiatric Clinic Bridgeway Branch
3825 Bridge Way North
Seattle, WA 98103
(206) 632-5009
Who Answers?
3825 Bridge Way North
Seattle, WA 98103
(206) 632-5009
Methamphetamine is a dangerous drug that comes with significant risk of addiction which is very difficult to treat. The symptoms of withdrawal can become so severe that many users find themselves back in the habit of using just to avoid the discomfort, sleepless nights and debilitating urges that come with not using. Psychologically, methamphetamine can….
DEEP down, we all know Scotland has a drink problem. But what are you prepared to do about it? This must be the starting point for us all this week as we consider proposals to be brought forward by Kenny MacAskill, our crusading Justice Secretary. MacAskill has taken it upon himself to make Scots wake….
It’s hard to say 30 strikes and you’re out with a straight face. It sounds like a silly joke. But the astounding truth is that the Vancouver Police Department tracks 379 offenders who have an average of 39 convictions each, primarily for theft and other property crime. Six have more than 100 convictions. These are….
Government spending related to smoking and the abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs reached $468 billion in 2005, accounting for more than one-tenth of combined federal, state and local expenditures for all purposes, according to a new study. Most abuse-related spending went toward direct health care costs for lung disease, cirrhosis and overdoses, for example,….
Can a recovering alcoholic still have the occasional drink, or is it the road back to oblivion? Claire had been sober for two years when she began a relationship with another recovering alcoholic. One evening at his house he made a suggestion. “How do you think we would react if we had just one drink?”….
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