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Alcohol awareness class numbers rise
Students seek dismissal of underage drinking citations A new program offering students the chance to have their first underage drinking citation dismissed has seen an increase in participation. “Within the first six weeks of school, numbers were already up by 45 people,” said University Police Chief Bob Roberts. Offered through West Virginia University’s Carruth Center….
Affordable Alcohol Treatment Options
Many people who are addicted to alcohol or who suffer from alcohol abuse do not seek help simply because they cannot find an affordable treatment option that works for them. This is very sad news because studies show that more than 90% of those who suffer from substance abuse will never get the help that….
Younger Alcoholic Men at Risk for Osteoporosis
Low bone mass, or osteoporosis, is a known consequence of alcoholism, especially in older alcoholics. However, a new study shows that younger male alcoholics are also at increased risk for osteoporosis. People with osteoporosis, no matter what the cause, are at an increased risk for fractures and poor fracture healing. “Our study indicates malnutrition, little….
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Myths Debunked
There are many myths about drug and alcohol treatment and the things that you can expect (or should not expect) to get out of treatment. If you are thinking that by getting help for a drug or alcohol addiction that once you are done with treatment you will magically be healed and won’t have to….
Drink misuse ‘costs each Scot GBP900’
The impact of Scotland’s drink culture on the health service was laid bare yesterday when it emerged that the cost of treating only one person with a moderately severe alcohol-related head injury is more than £34,000. The extraordinary figure was released by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Scotland’s biggest health board. The sum covers only….