Central Virginia Community Services Courtland Center
620 Court Street
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 847-8035
Intake: (434) 847-8065
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620 Court Street
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 847-8035
Intake: (434) 847-8065
The head of an Austin organization working on homelessness included this caveat when she sent me her group’s thought-provoking new study on homelessness and alcoholism: “These concepts, unfortunately, could easily end up as fodder for those interested in ‘shock-jock’ type of reporting,” Helen Varty, executive director of Front Steps, said in her e-mail. “That is….
The festive season has come and gone. The fun will forever be cherished by those who had a fabulous time. Some will forever cherish the fun they had while others will reflect at the bad things they did. It is definitely an indisputable fact that some young blades are now addicted to the things they….
When Rosalie Cebreros went out with friends Thursday evening, she found herself in a place she least expected: the Addiction Recovery Center. It wasn’t even the freshman’s first visit to the ARC this fall semester. Cebreros, an open-option major, spoke from the audience about her experience with excessive alcohol consumption during a panel discussion on….
KANDAHAR, AFGHANISTAN — Once each week, in a fluorescent-lit room in a stout building near the heart of Kandahar Air Field, a multinational mix of troops and civilians gather to take on a battle that can’t be fought with conventional weapons. Sitting around a table, or on overstuffed furniture, they talk about bad days, frustrating….
Opiate overdoses from heroin and prescription pain medications have reached epidemic proportions over the course of the last decade. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, opiate-induced overdose deaths have increased from 4,030 in 1999 to 16,651 in 2010. For over three decades, emergency responders have used naloxone as an opiate overdose treatment….
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