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The Importance of Exercise During Drug Treatment
You may not think that exercise is very important when you are in drug treatment. Maybe you think you have bigger and better battles to fight or you can’t see how exercise would really help right now, but it does! Exercise during drug treatment is a vital part of the rehabilitation process that not only….
Canadians spend millions drinking just to sleep
Canadians are spending hundreds of millions of dollars every year self-medicating their insomnia with alcohol, a new study suggests. “We were very surprised to see that so many people use alcohol as a way to promote sleep, particularly because it has more detrimental than beneficial effects on sleep,” says Charles Morin, a professor of psychology….
For recovering alcoholics, social, emotional impairments continue even after drinking stops
With their drinking problems behind them, studies show recovered alcoholics may still face social disorders or deficits. According to ABC News, a recent Boston-based study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs compared the brain function of a group of former alcoholics with the brain function….
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Myths Debunked

There are many myths about drug and alcohol treatment and the things that you can expect (or should not expect) to get out of treatment. If you are thinking that by getting help for a drug or alcohol addiction that once you are done with treatment you will magically be healed and won’t have to….
Researchers Pinpoint How Smoking Causes Cancer
Oregon Health & Science University Cancer Institute researchers have pinpointed the protein that can lead to genetic changes that cause lung cancer. Researchers discovered that the production of a protein called FANCD2 is slowed when lung cells are exposed to cigarette smoke. Low levels of FANCD2 leads to DNA damage, triggering cancer. Cigarette smoke curbs….