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Mixing Drinks With Work and Staying Sober, Too
FOR Del Pedro, a bartender at the Pegu Club in SoHo, Mondays are especially challenging. That’s when he allows himself careful tastes of new drinks at the bar, where cocktails are designed with precision. Mr. Pedro, an alcoholic with almost 15 years of sobriety behind him, is part of a quiet brigade of people who….
Seasons Recovery Center Malibu Alcohol Rehab with the Highest Success Rate in the Industry
Seasons Recovery Center of Malibu, California prides itself on providing the most successful alcohol rehab program in the industry. In fact, with an 85% success rate and a 1 year guarantee, alcoholics really can’t go wrong with Seasons Recovery Center. Taking a systemic approach to therapy and the treatment of alcohol addiction, Seasons Recovery Center….
Women, are you at risk for alcohol abuse?
Most people think they know what a woman alcoholic looks like –a fall-down drunk whose life is littered with DUI convictions, or maybe the sad lush acting a fool at every office party. In truth, women struggling with alcohol often look just like everybody else. An estimated 5.3 million American women either are alcoholic or….
Young Europeans Drink To Increase Chance of Sex
A new study of young adults in nine European countries found that nearly one in four women and one in three men deliberately engage in binge drinking and drug use to improve their chances of sex. The study also found that young people were more at risk of unsafe sex while under the influence of….
Feds fail to use effective drug treatment plans in prison
Despite 20 years of scientific evidence showing that drug treatment programs work, the feds fail to offer enough of them to prisoners, according to a new study. Currently 7.1 million adults – over 2 percent of the population — in the U.S. are locked up or on probation; about half of them suffer from some….