Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare Woodland Park
10373 NE Hancock Street
Suite 200
Portland, OR 97220
(503) 253-6754
Intake: (503) 230-9654
Who Answers?
10373 NE Hancock Street
Suite 200
Portland, OR 97220
(503) 253-6754
Intake: (503) 230-9654
Sorry to break the news but you may have a problem with alcohol. Even if you’re pretty sure you’re not an alcoholic you’d better think again about your drinking if you answer Yes to just one of the following questions. Do you ever worry that you tend to drink too much? Have any of your friends….
Parents in England are being warned not to under-estimate the “dangerous consequences” of under-age drinking. Children’s Secretary Ed Balls says parents worried about their children’s safety should recognise the connection between alcohol and “risky behaviour”. This follows a survey suggesting many parents do not rank drinking alcohol as a serious risk to their children. Mr….
John Baker is a quiet, unassuming man. When he says he deserves no credit for starting Celebrate Recovery, a Christian 12-step program now in 12,000 churches, he means it. Baker, who is in Tulsa this weekend for a Celebrate Recovery leadership training seminar, was raised in a Christian home and said he accepted Christ when….
If there’s a deeply compelling reason for dropping the minimum legal drinking age to 18, the distinguished academic supporters of the Amethyst Initiative haven’t made it yet. Granted, the statement signed by 100 college presidents – including Pacific Lutheran University’s Loren Anderson – doesn’t come right out and say they want a lower drinking age,….
I had an interesting Blog Comment from Pavel Nepustil, a Czech republic NGO worker and PhD student, currently in Houston, USA, on a Fullbright Scholarship. Pavel came over to see us in Cardiff last year and we decided we would work together. He is one bright ‘cookie’ and very dedicated to this field. He got….
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