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Binge Drinking Not Just a Rite of the Young
Older alcoholics tend to drink heavily more often than younger people, study finds. Older people who are problem drinkers consume more alcohol than their younger counterparts, a new report finds, possibly because they need more alcohol to achieve the same effect. According to a study released this month, people dependent on alcohol who are older….
Harsh truths about your alcohol intake
This summer has been another wet one. With all the rain it’s enough to drive you to drink! Most of us enjoy a tipple now and again, but do we really know how much is safe and when to stop? Am I better off having an occasional pint or should I cut it out altogether?….
Risk factors for problem drinking
When friends haven’t seen each other in awhile, one of them might happily suggest, “let’s meet up for drinks!” The tradition of socializing, celebrating, or brooding with a stiff drink in hand has a long and storied history: alcohol has been present everywhere from festivals of Dionysius in ancient Rome to Humphrey Bogart remembering Paris….
Prescription Drug Abuse Threatens Availability of Pain Medication
Take a look in your medicine cabinet — do you spot prescription pain medication? If so, are you contributing to the nation’s dramatic increase in irresponsible prescription drug use? According to the 2008 National Drug Control Strategies Report, 71 percent of prescription pain medication abusers obtained the drugs from family and friends. Among 12- to….
A new view of alcoholism could help you take charge of your drinking
We used to laugh at those zany friends and relatives who would make one too many trips to the holiday punch bowl and end up wearing a lamp shade by the end of the party. Today, we know the destruction alcohol can wreak on families, marriages, health, the workplace and on the road. Today that….