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Abstinence the path to avoid alcoholism
Parents throughout Victoria and Canada are vehemently opposed to their children taking illicit drugs — but what about the most widely used, and deadliest drug of all? There is a killer that lives among us every day — a killer called alcohol. In recent years, it has been common practice for parents to condone underage….
Getting A Degree In Drinking
For many students at Ohio State, drinking is a part of life. For about 44 percent of those students, it’s a large part. That’s the percentage of students who fit the profile of “high-risk drinkers,” according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. With nearly half of college students characterized as high-risk drinkers,….
Tide turns in favour of drug reform
One hundred years ago, the US convened the International Opium Conference. This meeting of 13 nations in Shanghai was the beginning of global drug prohibition. Prohibition slowly became one of the most universally applied policies in the world. But a century on, international support for this blanket drug policy is slowly but inexorably unravelling. In….
Boozing Blunts Ability to Read Faces
Heavy drinking can affect the ability to recognize other people’s facial emotions, a new study has found. Researchers used functional MRI to monitor brain activity in 15 abstinent long-term alcoholics while they looked at images of faces with positive or negative emotional expressions. The brain scans revealed decreased activation in the amygdala and hippocampus, regions….
Alcohol abuse among women is on the rise
Almost 2.5 million women are alcoholics. Many of these women are busy juggling families and careers — all while hiding a dangerous habit. Health Specialist Denise Dador takes a look at how these”cocktail moms” go from happy hour to addiction. A deadly wrong-way crash in New York last summer shoved the issue of alcoholism into….