A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
Call 888-647-0579 to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.

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Treatment & Detox Guide

5 Things You’ll Learn in Drug Treatment

When you first walk into a drug treatment center you’ll have a lot of questions and there will likely be some apprehensions. You want to know what to expect and you want to know that drug treatment is going to be safe and effective. You’ll learn a lot of new things over the course of….

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What Can Private Drug Treatment Do For Me?

Private Drug Treatment Program

If you are thinking about seeking help for your addiction to drugs or alcohol, you are probably questioning just about every aspect of the situation. If you’re considering private drug or alcohol treatment consider the following benefits of seeking treatment in a private treatment center versus a public facility that provides care. Private treatment centers….

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An Alcoholic’s Savior: God, Belladonna or Both?

In October 1909, Dr. Alexander Lambert boldly announced to a New York Times reporter that he had found a surefire cure for alcoholism and drug addiction. Even more astounding, he stated that the treatment required “less than five days.” The therapy consisted of an odd mixture of belladonna (deadly nightshade), along with the fluid extracts….

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Drinkers "zone out," but may not know it

Even a modest amount of alcohol can make the mind prone to wandering, but drinkers may be slow to notice it, a new study suggests. Researchers found that when they had a group of men read “War and Peace” after either an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink, those who’d imbibed were markedly more prone to zoning….

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Overeaters Anonymous provides support in fight against compulsion

FRAMINGHAM, Mass. — Facing a dozen strangers seated around a table, the heavyset man with thinning hair put down his coffee and paused before introducing himself: “My name is Christian. And I’m a compulsive overeater.” For the next hour, members of the MetroWest Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous shared personal stories of long-term weight gain and….

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