Arizona Counseling and Treatment Services LLC/Benson
500 South Highway 80
Suite A
Benson, AZ 85602
(520) 720-0290
Who Answers?
500 South Highway 80
Suite A
Benson, AZ 85602
(520) 720-0290
Three major stages of alcoholism and how it works. There is some debate over how many stages there are in alcoholism, but let’s go with the three major stages–early (a.k.a. adaptive), middle, and end (a.k.a. late). It’s important to understand the main parts of each stage. Early Stage How does the early stage work? The….
Drugs can be defined as chemical substances that can have a therapeutic or non- therapeutic effect on the body of the person who consumes them. Among the population of drug abuser, the rate of teenagers is very high, which is the most concerning part of the drug abuse. Teenagers and drug abuse are closely associated….
It’s teen party season, with spring break on and prom and graduation bashes not far behind. And for parents of teens come more worries about safety and the ever-present temptation for the kids to drink. Janet Mondshein, executive director of the Miami chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, offers some sobering facts in a chat….
Public sector professionals have joined forces to call on the government to take tougher action to reduce harmful drinking. A survey of over 1,000 doctors, nurses, teachers, police and public health consultants shows the overwhelming majority wants tougher rules on alcohol. The joint survey was carried out on behalf of Alcohol Concern, the UK Faculty….
Alcohol is a hypnotic sedative drug through which the central nervous system gets depressed. People drink alcohol on some social events and they get a lot of satisfaction from it. But this is one of the way through which they get addicted towards it. And once they get addicted, it sometimes becomes difficult to rehabilitate….
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