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Nation o' Drinkers: Scotland Tries to Curb Alcohol Abuse
There’s little affection in a “Glasgow kiss”. Typically preceded by some variation on the growled question “Whit ya [expletive deleted] lookin’ at?” the term refers to a vicious headbutt, as delivered all too often in the bars and on the streets of Scotland’s largest city. Alcohol-fueled violence and binge drinking are endemic across Britain, but….
Students learn firsthand effects of alcohol
Sometimes, field sobriety and breathalyzer tests given to someone under the influence of alcohol don’t lead to jail. Sometimes, they lead to gaining knowledge. That was the case on Oct. 2, when a group of young people gathered at a friend’s house to learn about the effects of alcohol firsthand. Oklahoma City Police Sgt. Greg….
Chronic Drinking Causes More Liver Damage Than Binge Drinking
A new study conducted on rodents has shown the extreme harm caused by chronic drinking on the liver, much more than the injury caused by binge drinking. Although alcohol consumption is known to cause liver damage, still the degree of liver damage can differ according to the pattern of drinking “Different patterns of drinking can]….
The worst recipe for violence … just mix alcohol and Valium
Mixing Valium and alcohol is the most potent mix for committing violent offences, according to new research commissioned by the Scottish Prison Service. A study of 16 and 17-year-old boys at Polmont Young Offenders Institution found that many of them had committed their offences because they had taken diazepam and alcohol together. They said it….
Ankle Bracelet Monitors Alcohol Intake
Think of it as a breathalyzer you wear. SCRAM is a relatively new piece of technology, designed to keep people sober. The device is being shown this week to a Nashville audience. A DUI could be enough to scare a driver sober, but one small device will make one stay that way. “Literally, if you….