A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
Call 888-647-0579 to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.

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Treatment & Detox Guide

Alcoholism: Losing Old Friends to Stay Sober

Alcoholism, like many addictions, is a disease of reinforcement. When you take drugs or alcohol, you feel better and when you stop drinking, you miss the feeling. By this same mechanism, the people you associate with can start to reinforce your drinking behavior. Even though, for many, alcoholism ends up being a disease of solitude….

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Does Affordable Drug Treatment Really Exist?

rehab cost

Does affordable drug treatment really exist? Yes. There are facilities that do provide affordable treatment to patients. Often, these facilities are government run. As stated by the NIDA, “Because drug abuse and addiction are major public health problems, a large portion of drug treatment is funded by local, State, and Federal governments.” This is where….

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5 Benefits of Inpatient Treatment Centers

Inpatient treatment centers offer people the greatest and most effective environments for people to conquer their drug or alcohol addictions. An inpatient treatment center means that an individual will be living at the treatment center for a period of time to detoxify from their addiction. By doing this they will have access to a multitude….

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Program sets record straight on underage drinking

There’s good news and there’s bad news when it comes to underage drinking in Pee Dee. The good news is that incidents of underage drinking seem to be on the decline. The bad news is that those who do drink are drinking more than ever, according to Circle Park Prevention Services data. “We’ve have some….

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It's all about drugs, say local authorities

Drugs are the common thread running through the most extreme crimes in the Poconos. According to court records, drugs permeated the life of Steven Santillo for years. Last week a motorist found Santillo shot dead at the intersection of Hypsie Gap and Laurel roads in Chestnuthill Township. State police have accused Fritz Gerald Dejoie, 21,….

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