Alta Services
1604 South Phillippi Street
Boise, ID 83705
(208) 395-1713
Intake: (208) 395-1715
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1604 South Phillippi Street
Boise, ID 83705
(208) 395-1713
Intake: (208) 395-1715
Aaron Holsinger said he doesn’t like telling his tragic tale, but he really has no choice. Holsinger, now 28, was convicted of negligent homicide after his girlfriend, Gina Erickson, died in a 2001 drunken-driving accident. He was driving the car. He spent six months in jail, will be on probation until he is 41 and….
Police say alcohol-fuelled violence is on the decline in bars and on city streets after the province introduced new liquor rules to discourage binge drinking. Provincial legislation launched last August prohibits happy hour specials after 8p.m., requires bars and pubs to charge a minimum drink price and forbids patrons from having more than two drinks….
Canadians are spending hundreds of millions of dollars every year self-medicating their insomnia with alcohol, a new study suggests. “We were very surprised to see that so many people use alcohol as a way to promote sleep, particularly because it has more detrimental than beneficial effects on sleep,” says Charles Morin, a professor of psychology….
The government’s fierce war against alcohol has taken a different dimension. When they started, the government said alcohol drinking was a vice that perpetuates social moral turpitude. That was then, but now they have raised the pitch, zoning in on the face of poverty, a feature that continues to define a significant section of our….
For many addicts and those in recovery, the feelings of guilt and shame that surround their addiction are not only powerful, they are also the motivating factor that either makes or breaks their recovery efforts. When it comes to overcoming guilt, substance abuse treatment is the beginning of a long road that includes counseling and….
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