Alpine Treatment Services Chateau
375 Rainbow Lane
Midway, UT 84049
(435) 654-9956
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375 Rainbow Lane
Midway, UT 84049
(435) 654-9956
First year college students believe that occasional nonmedical use of prescription pain killers and stimulants is less risky than cocaine, but more risky than marijuana or consuming five or more alcoholic beverages every weekend, according to a new study published in the September issue of Prevention Science, the peer-reviewed journal of the Society for Prevention….
People are drinking more alcohol by “stealth” because of the stronger drinks on the market, an analysis of consumption in the UK suggests. The amount of alcohol consumed per person has risen by 10% since 2000 – despite drink sales remaining steady. Researchers Mintel said wines and lagers were becoming stronger and people were unaware….
Even a modest amount of alcohol can make the mind prone to wandering, but drinkers may be slow to notice it, a new study suggests. Researchers found that when they had a group of men read “War and Peace” after either an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink, those who’d imbibed were markedly more prone to zoning….
Jesse is 23-years-old and should be able to have a beer with his mates. Instead he is an alcoholic. After leaving school at 16 to take up a chef apprenticeship, he began regularly drinking with his older work mates, then slowly watched his life spiral out of control as he went on three or four….
As children grow, cells in the brain (known as neurons) are constantly making new connections with other cells in the brain. The stronger these neural pathways within the brain become, the more efficiently children can perform new skills. Neural pathways within the brain strengthen whenever new skills are learnt and, to some degree, this process….
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