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Alcohol Linked to Cancer Risk in Women
Study Shows Even Low-to-Moderate Drinking Raises Risk of Cancer Women who drink as little as one alcoholic beverage a day — be it beer, wine, or hard liquor — have a significantly higher cancer risk than women who don’t drink at all, a study shows. Researchers followed more than 1.2 million middle-aged women for an….
Alcohol effects during adolescence
The festive season has come and gone. The fun will forever be cherished by those who had a fabulous time. Some will forever cherish the fun they had while others will reflect at the bad things they did. It is definitely an indisputable fact that some young blades are now addicted to the things they….
Major Report Finds Screening and Early Intervention Program Used in Diverse Health Care Settings Dramatically Reduces Illicit Drug Use among Patients
Report found a 67.7 percent reduction in illicit drug use over a six month period among people receiving these services The Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) program can reduce illicit drug use among patients seeking medical care in a wide variety of health care settings such as hospitals, physician offices, and community….
Side effects of over consumption can be fatal
When it comes to drinking, it seems as though Americans are fond of taking an alcoholic beverage from time to time. In a Gallup Consumption Habits poll, 63 percent of Americans reported that they drink alcohol, while 37 percent reported they abstain. While alcohol is typically not harmful in moderation, and can actually be beneficial….
Effects of binge drinking linger
Heavy drinking adversely affects a person’s performance and perception hours after alcohol has left the body, researchers in Rhode Island said. Researchers at Brown University recruited 95 healthy adults ages 21 to 35 who had reported having a hangover at least one time within the month before the research began. The participants were randomly assigned….