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The seriously inconvenient truth on drugs
For those who warmly applaud Gordon Brown’s declared desire to toughen up the law on cannabis, raising it from a Class C to Class B drug, there is always a simple question. How would you react if your son, or perhaps your grandchild – otherwise law-abiding and blameless citizens – were caught with that drug….
Heart rhythm risk seen in women's alcohol drinking
Women who consume more than two alcoholic drinks a day have a higher risk of getting the most common type of heart rhythm disturbance, which can raise the chances of having a stroke, researchers said on Tuesday. Previous research had shown that men who drink three or more alcoholic beverages daily have an elevated risk….
Effects of Cognitive Therapy in Treatment Centers
Treatment centers focus much of the time that addicts spend in recovery on helping them to heal psychologically. Psychological counseling in treatment centers takes many forms but for most, it is this counseling that is most effective at helping individuals to really overcome addiction and make a full recovery. Cognitive therapy is one of the….
Mom. Businesswoman. Alcoholic.
A mother climbs out of the depths of addiction She stood on the sidelines amid the blankets and camp chairs, a petite, brown-haired woman in a monogrammed polo shirt, cheering as her 7-year-old son sprinted down the soccer field. At halftime, she stepped up with a water bottle and pep talk. And after the game….
For Young Adults Addicted To Opioids, New Training Approach Launched By NIDA Blending Conference
A multi-faceted treatment program for young adults addicted to opioid drugs was unveiled at the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s (NIDA) Blending Conference in Albuquerque, N.M. This eighth meeting in the series briought together researchers and clinicians so their latest findings could be immediately applied to the needs of patients and their families dealing with….