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Your Social Network Affects Your Drinking Habits

Drinking Habits Problems

People who socialize with heavy drinkers are more likely to imbibe a bit too much themselves. And the same holds true for teetotalers: Those who have non-drinking friends and relatives are more likely not to consume alcohol themselves, a new study found. “People are organized by their drinking behavior more than would be predicted by….

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Finally, a little honesty about America’s inept war on drugs

Finally, after America has frittered away billions of taxpayer dollars arming Latin American death squads, airdropping toxic herbicide on equatorial farmland, and incarcerating more of its own citizens on nonviolent drug charges than any other industrialized nation, two political leaders last week tried to begin taming the most wildly out of control beast in the….

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Binge-drinking ‘lowers resistance’

Binge-drinking not only causes a hangover but weakens the body’s ability to fight off infections for at least 24 hours, research has shown. Drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short time inhibits the production of signalling molecules that are vital to the immune system. The proteins, known as pro-inflammatory cytokines, have a host of….

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The long reach of alcoholism within the family

Millions of Americans suffer from the psychological and physical disease of alcoholism. The resulting emotionally destructive impact on the children of alcoholic parents and the family unit is enormous. Alcoholic parents usually act out their addiction in one of two negative ways: violent and abusive behavior or emotional unavailability and neglect. People who grow up….

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Think before you drink, says University research

People are being urged to think before they drink as part of a research project aimed at changing people’s binge drinking habits. A team of health psychologists at The University of Nottingham plan to discover whether using the workplace to supply information on the health effects of binge drinking and asking employees for a small….

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