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Drug abuse
Drugs are referred to as “social evil”. Drug abuse tends an individual to take harmful drugs for “non-therapeutic” or “non-medical” reasons. The drugs include cocaine, alcohol, and marijuana just to name a few. People get addicted to the drugs for enhancing their “psychoactive state” as well as for their “performance enhancement”. Drug abuse greatly affects….
Signs of Depression to Look Out For
Depression can actually impair an individual’s overall ability to function in their day to day lives, and can result in that individual feeling as if taking their life is the only way to escape the emotions of despair that are experienced. Depression is an issue that affects millions of individuals around the world. This is….
Health Dangers of Bath Salts
Bath salts, the synthetic drug also known as MDVP or methylenedioxypyrovalerone, has been found to be more dangerous than cocaine which causes much reason for alarm. This drug causes prolonged effects of the neurotransmitters responsible for dopamine and norepinephrine by blocking reuptake at brain nerve cells. The result is increased hyperactivity, rapid heart rate, increased….
Pill could fight alcoholism
For alcoholics, experts say the consequences of addiction last long after an evening binge to affect abusers’ entire lives, from restless mornings to sleepless nights. BU School of Medicine is conducting a clinical trial to test the effectiveness of a psychiatric medication that could eliminate or significantly reduce heavy drinkers’ cravings for alcohol, according to….
Doctors Call For End To Cheap Booze Deals
Cheap deals on alcoholic drinks should be illegal, a new report is proposing, with a call for tighter controls on the marketing of alcohol. The British Medical Association (BMA) argues young people are highly influenced by advertising and price deals, which encourage them to drink excessively. Its latest report will make recommendations on regulating alcohol….