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Students learn firsthand effects of alcohol
Sometimes, field sobriety and breathalyzer tests given to someone under the influence of alcohol don’t lead to jail. Sometimes, they lead to gaining knowledge. That was the case on Oct. 2, when a group of young people gathered at a friend’s house to learn about the effects of alcohol firsthand. Oklahoma City Police Sgt. Greg….
Alcohol exacts damage on the body
The negative effects alcohol has on the human body are consistently predictable regardless of use pattern. There is no cell in the body that is resistant to alcohol. The first organ is the stomach where without food, alcohol is readily absorbed into the blood stream. It requires no digestion. Alcohol irritates the stomach causing stomach….
Watch elders' alcohol habits
Fa-la-la! ‘Tis the holiday season, and there’s Nanna getting into the eggnog and batting her eyes. Or Pops, with a face as red as Santa Claus refilling his glass, laughing a little too much. Nice that the old folks are having such a good time! They’ve worked hard for so many years. Now they can….
Hidden Traumas of the Family Members of an Alcoholic
When a loved one is addicted to alcohol we often like to think that as soon as they get help, complete alcohol treatment and come home everything will just return to normal. It’s nice to believe that things will naturally go back to the way they once were and that alcohol treatment will heal the….
Alcoholics to lecture young on dangers of drink
Health boards are to receive £36m to help fight Scotland’s culture of alcohol abuse. Part of the funding will be spent on projects where recovering alcoholics will mentor youngsters on the dangers of drinking too much. The largest single handout will go to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, which will receive more than £9m. NHS….