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Drug rehabilitation center
Number of drug addicts around the globe is increasing day by day. There is no specific age limit, gender difference or even financial discrimination when it comes to drug addiction. The habit of drug addiction is very fatal and also destroying the morale of the society. Therefore, it is very necessary to provide timely help….
Obstacles that Can Lead to Relapse
About Drug and Alcohol Addiction Millions of Americans suffer from dependency and addiction to drugs and alcohol, and the numbers continue to increase. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, In 2012, approximately 23.9 million people in America, 12 years of age and older, had used an illegal drug or abused a psychotherapeutic medication….
Treatment of ADHD
ADHD is an “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder”, which greatly affects a child’s ability to concentrate on a particular work, making him impulsive and hyperactive. The ADHD is a common “psychiatric disorder” found in children and if not treated timely then this disorder has long-term effects into the “adolescence and the adulthood” of the child. Therefore,….
Binge drinking danger of giving your child a glass of wine
Just the one: Allowing children a glass of wine with dinner could turn them into binge drinkers in later life Parents who give their child the occasional glass of wine with their meal could be turning them into binge drinkers, scientists have warned. Growing numbers of middle class parents are following the example of French….
‘Minimum price’ demand on alcohol
The availability of cheap alcohol has led to calls for minimum prices in Wales to change the drinking culture. Brian Gibbons, Wales’ social affairs minister, says he wants to see alcohol strength taken into account in pricing. Scottish ministers are preparing laws on minimum pricing, and Dr Gibbons has discussed the issue with them, although….