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Introducing kids to alcohol can lead to binge drinking later in life
Researcher Caitlin Abar of the Prevention Research and Methodology Center at Pennsylvania State University suggested that parents enforce a zero-tolerance policy in the home. She also said that there is no scientific evidence to support the belief that prohibiting alcohol turns it into a “forbidden fruit” and encourages abuse. In an effort to see whether….
Alcoholics' families need support, too
Alcoholics Anonymous is well known as a self-help programme for people who regularly abuse alcohol, now known to be one adult in five. But the despair, confusion and resentment suffered by the alcoholic is invariably felt by their family too. I know this from both sides of the fence: as the child of a drink-dependent….
No Drinks for Them
It’s not just partying. Some students are alcoholics. Ask Elizabeth, a student at northwestern University, what the best part of freshman year was and she’ll have one answer: the ease of procuring vodka. She drank wine coolers her senior year of high school, but those were tough to find; once she hit college, all she….
Many Over 50 Are Binge Drinkers
Five or more drinks a day at one sitting affects 23 percent of men ages 50 to 64, reports Duke University researchers. We don’t usually associate binge drinking, that is guzzling large quantities of alcoholic beverages in one sitting, with older people. Instead it is usually considered a college rite of passage. But a new….
Why do some heavy drinkers develop mouth and throat cancers while others do not?
A study by researchers in Europe has revealed why some heavy drinkers develop mouth and throat cancers while others do not and also why some people get drunk quickly. The answer it seems is genetic – as two gene variants appear to offer “significant” protection against mouth and throat cancers. The team of researchers led….