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Treatment & Detox Guide
Long Term Drug Rehab
There are all sorts of methodologies for treating alcohol and drug addiction. Some just require a couple weeks. Most emphasize one month of treatment stay. However, if the addiction is severe enough, a long term drug rehab program may be in the best interest. More and more addiction treatment facilities are emphasizing a 90-day treatment….
Adults no help to teenage drinkers
What would you do? A 16-year-old comes up to you and asks for a little help. He and his friends are bored and just want to have a little fun that night. He asks you to buy booze. Got a problem with that? The Pittsfield Prevention Partnership says you should, but not everyone does. And….
Alcohol Treatment Costs
When you or a loved one is addicted to alcohol chances are the cost of alcohol treatment is weighing heavily on your mind. How much will it cost? Who will pay for it? How will I pay for it? Can I afford it? The questions reel through your head and all you can think is….
Dangers of Underage Drinking
There is nothing positive about underage drinking. Teenagers sometimes get behind the wheel and drive under the influence which is a big issue. According to studies by the National Crime Prevention Council, automobile crashes related to underage drinking are the leading cause of death for teens. Approximately 36% of traffic deaths of 15- to 20-year-olds….
Scientists Find Genes That Influence Brain Wave Patterns
Scientists have identified new genes and pathways that influence an individual’s typical pattern of brain electrical activity, a trait that may serve as a useful surrogate marker for more genetically complex traits and diseases. One of the genes, for example, was found to be associated with alcoholism. Washington, D.C. – infoZine – A report of….