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Stony Brook program on binge drinking raises interest
A new Stony Brook University initiative to prevent the consequences of binge drinking has sparked nationwide interest from more than 100 colleges, universities and high schools that want to replicate the program on their campuses. “So many people who have been affected by the loss of a loved one or an acquaintance or a friend….
Just How Long is Long-Term Treatment?
You’ve tried outpatient treatment, you’ve tried inpatient treatment and now you’ve been recommended for “long-term” treatment, but just how long is long-term treatment anyway and what makes it so much more effective than the programs you’ve already tried? Various recent studies have been conducted to come to the conclusion that long-term treatment is often the….
Top 10 Alcohol Addiction Symptoms
Alcohol addiction symptoms vary from person to person, but every person who develops an addiction to alcohol will begin to show signs to the outside world. Alcohol Alcohol is the most common abused drug in America and throughout the world. Being that alcohol is a legal substance, people tend to take advantage of the drug….
Irish spend three times EU average on alcohol
Irish people spend almost three and a half times more of their income on alcohol than the European average, an EU-wide survey reveals. A study on household expenditure across the 27 EU member states highlights how Irish consumers are the biggest spenders in Europe on alcohol by a long distance. It estimates that more than….
Alcohol link to one in 25 deaths
One in 25 deaths across the world are linked to alcohol consumption, Canadian experts have suggested. Writing in the Lancet, the team from the University of Toronto added that the level of disease linked to drinking affects poorest people the most. Worldwide, average alcohol consumption is around 12 units a week – but in Europe….