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Treatment & Detox Guide
What is an Intervention & How Does it Work
Alcohol and drug addictions can take a considerable toll on the addict as well as the people in the addict’s life. By its very nature, addiction sets a person up to deny its existence as a problem, so loved ones are already at a disadvantage when trying to help an addict change his or her….
Sober second thoughts on problem drinking
I had a friend once who had a promising future in the advertising profession. He was a terrific salesman and creative thinker. He loved booze. Friday afternoons when we’d get paid we go to a popular watering hole and have a few cool ones with co-workers. I noticed often when we had enough and ready….
Researchers Pinpoint How Smoking Causes Cancer
Oregon Health & Science University Cancer Institute researchers have pinpointed the protein that can lead to genetic changes that cause lung cancer. Researchers discovered that the production of a protein called FANCD2 is slowed when lung cells are exposed to cigarette smoke. Low levels of FANCD2 leads to DNA damage, triggering cancer. Cigarette smoke curbs….
Do Alcoholic Treatment Centers Treat Other Addictions?
Whether a person has an addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling or sex, addiction affects people in the same way. The addiction process also follows a standard path of progression. Alcoholic treatment centers specialize in treating alcohol’s effects in a person’s life, but alcohol is still considered a drug. According to an article on the Scientific….
Drug addiction: 'The true cost often ends in tragic loss of life'
THE death of Perry Fowler should remind us once again that the true cost of drugs does not always end at causing misery and fuelling crime but often ends in the tragic loss of life. It also demonstrates that addiction knows no bounds and that drug misuse is not confined, as many would choose to….