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Treatment & Detox Guide
Drinking ourselves to death
We’ve all heard the sermons and lectures. It is generally agreed that drinking alcohol – in excess – can be self-damaging. However very few of us know, or even pause to consider – how much is too much? For most of us, the post-party hangovers, scrapes and empty wallets are the only gauge of our….
From Drug User to Drug Dealer to Prison Inmate – the Life of a Recovering Heroin Addict
Jennifer Vanlieu was addicted to heroin and painkillers for some time before she found a methadone clinic that could help her beat the drug addiction and hopefully get her life back on track. What she didn’t know was that her decision to use methadone as a means of transitioning from being addicted to heroin to….
Sober second thoughts on problem drinking
I had a friend once who had a promising future in the advertising profession. He was a terrific salesman and creative thinker. He loved booze. Friday afternoons when we’d get paid we go to a popular watering hole and have a few cool ones with co-workers. I noticed often when we had enough and ready….
Are There Free Alcohol Treatment Centers for Teens?
All parents want what’s best for their kids, but very few parents are able to afford acting out on their wants. The parents of alcoholic teenagers are all too familiar with this situation. Many feel that a professional rehab center is out of their financial reach. However, there are many free alcohol treatment centers and….
Retreat Offers Hope for Indian American Women Alcoholics
Indian American women who are struggling with alcohol dependence, depression or substance abuse face unique challenges, according to a team of recovery professionals who are targeting the community. “Living here in the U.S. is a very major stress,” Arun Jethanandani, M.D., told India-West by phone from the Brookhaven Retreat in eastern Tennessee. “Many women have….