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Alcohol treatment essential
One of the toughest steps for an alcoholic is to shake off the denial. It can fester for years until one day he realizes he’s lost — or is on the verge of losing — his family, his job, even his life. So he takes the plunge and starts to seek a path to recovery…..
The Cost of NOT Going into Drug Treatment When You Suffer from Addiction
Have you ever wondered what will happen if you don’t get help for a drug addiction? What is the true cost of not going into drug treatment when you suffer from addiction? Unfortunately, the cost of NOT going into drug treatment is significantly higher than the cost of getting help when you need it. While….
Study: 60% of U.S. Adults are Drinkers
Around six in 10 American adults drink alcohol and the same number are either overweight or obese, according federal health statistics. The National Center for Health Statistics released a report Monday on health behaviors of American adults. Data was collected between 2005 and 2007. Among the other key findings: While 61.2 percent of adults are….
Quaker faith helps alcoholic to quit drinking
A recovered alcoholic from Maldon said he has his Quaker faith to thank for helping him stay alive. Anthony told BBC Essex’s Ian Wyatt he started to drink when he was 20, shortly after joining the Air Force. Having had a religious upbringing as a Pentecostalist, he had never previously drank or smoked. After 25….
Middle classes vulnerable to binge drinking
Alcohol is being used as a tool to mask the inner demons of the middle classes, the chief executive of a new body to tackle substance abuse claimed last night. Binge drinking – commonly perceived as a problem associated with rowdy town and city centres – is equally evident in homes across Wales, according to….